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Monday, August 24, 2020

Back to School Tips for 2020

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Back to School Tips for 2020

It's that time of year again when parents are finally able to start sending their kids back to school and to get that much-needed break and return to normalcy after a chaotic summer. But this year the stress of starting school is much hirer than usual this year amid Covid-19 plaguing our schools, work, and lives.

What should be a sigh of relief is quickly becoming a huge controversial topic- Should I send my kids back to school? Or should I keep them home?
Ultimately, you will have to decide what is best for your family and household, but we're here to offer you some tips and resources, whatever you decide, to help your family be successful in tough times.

Keep Up Hand Washing and Sanitizing Practices- At home make sure that even if you aren't leaving the house it is good to keep up periodic handwashing habits! If going to school, make sure your kids have a plan for handwashing and sanitizing while at school. Such as sanitizing between classes, or after recess and lunch. Having a plan in place and discussing habits will help keep your kids aware of their health!

Movement- Not only does it help keep energy levels balanced movement helps Jumping-Jacks periodically through the day can do the trick, but keep it fun for you and the kids! Keeping your movement up too will help distress the body and keep cortisol levels down. Incorporating movement throughout the day will help balance energy and will allow for better focus when learning!

Good Food- Do your families' bodies a favor and keep them stocked up with good nutrients and vitamins to help keep your immune systems in tip-top shape and keep brain functions optimal!

Time for Play- Laughter and playtime are huge for boosting the immune system, relaxing, and learning. They say laughter is good for the soul, but it's good for the body too! Having time for play allows you and the kids to decompress, have fun, boost your moods, and helps solidify things they learned into place. Imagination is a large part of comprehension, so the more you use it at home, the easier it is to apply critical thinking skills inside the classroom!

Blue Light Blockers- Whether your kids are going into the classroom or doing virtual classes, if they will be experiencing a lot of screen time, it may be helpful to invest in some blue light blocker eyewear. This will help keep with eye strain, and keeping the body's natural rhythms in order for better sleep and learning comprehension.

Compassion- Last but not least, make sure to have a little compassion for your kids, their teachers, and YOURSELF! Life is hard for a lot of people right now so make sure you are giving yourself and your family a little extra leeway than usual while we all adjust to our new 'normal' and remember the most important skills you can teach is love, compassion, and a thirst for knowledge!

Resources to Help Get the Technological Need of Your Family Met

Check out these sites to see what they can do for your family. You can also check with your school or online program to see what options they have as well!

C3-Colorado- Is a company that takes old devices and refurbishes them to give to schools and non-profit organizations. Contact them if you want to see what they can do for your school or organization!

PCs for People- This is an organization that helps individual families and non-profits get low-cost internet solutions and equipment. You must qualify to receive aid, but you can do it quickly and easily online and order online too! 

Computers for Kids, INC.  (CFK)- Is a non-profit organization that takes donations of computers, refurbishes and licenses them, and then donates fully equipped computer systems to schools, non-profits, and students in grades K-14. Fill out an application today!


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